We could define SUIT UP [.ssioute/ eup] as the biggest dressing room for special occasions, just for men. Whether for a glitter party or for his best friend’s wedding, there’s something for everyone. This rental app of suits for men among individuals is extravagant, intuitive and effective. It can save any man who has forgotten his costume in the province while an interview in Paris awaits him in the afternoon. SUIT UP follows you everywhere, at all times and in any context. The collaborative economy is booming, but it hasn’t hit the men’s fashion sector yet, so now is the time to step up to the plate. Suit qui peut !

Extravagant and unique in its kind, it tries to represent the different personalities of users and costume wearers.
This identity is not static, it transfomes itself while keeping the same mind at the same time shifted and masculine. The use of blue,
absurd men’s patterns and montages add a fresh and fun side by maintaining a serious and reliable image.

This project was presented on 7, 8 and 9 June at E-artsup school. For the occasion, each student presented a stand to promote his 
or her graduation project. To better understand the service SUIT UP offers, an original experience will be put in place. Few men know their measurements, so each visitor will be offered a measure of his own inside the stand. Afterwards, he will be given a costume jacket during the presentation of the project. He will be able to look at himself in the standing mirror, mounted on the back wall. Finally, a "photocool" will be put in place where the user can pose with unusual objects, such as a large sunflower in front of his face or a giant broccoli, while keeping the jacket on. It is then time to say goodbye, the visitor returns the jacket and leaves with his polaroid and measurements inscribed on a small SUIT UP case. The purpose of this experience is to make live a short sample of the application’s offer, that is to say the rental of costumes for all and in any context.

Some pictures of the stand. You can see the business cards, flyers, pockets, stickers, costumes available...

And some screens of the app.

Suit Up.

Suit Up.
