May: 1
Theme: Snooty
The mermaid thinks to herself: "Most of the merpeople act as a ordinary fishes. Well, I ... as you can see, I'm different! "
May: 2
Theme: Precocious
"This is called a Poison or as people often called it to hide it's real name - a Plastic! The Plastic is a highly dangerous animal that can change it's shape from a bottle to a stroke or to a bag ... and it's main purpose is to kill sea creatures. So, DO NOT EAT THIS!!!"
Well, I think we need more from this precocious kids, don't we?
May: 3
Theme: Racy
May: 4
Theme: SrarWarsDay
That mermaid found some lost in the sea stuff
May: 5
Theme: Fluid
Fluid hair :)
May: 6
Theme: Rocked
That mother mermaid rocked the baby in her arms. :)
May: 7
Theme: Pirate
Underwater pirate :)
May: 8
Theme: Masculine
A male mermaid who tries to impress a girl :)
May: 9
Theme: Wanderer
May: 10
Theme: Sweetheart
The mermaid says: "Come with me!It's very beautiful underwater. There is hidden the amazing world of merpeople! And I will introduce you to my nice friends! They are adorable!"
The sailor says: "Oh, you are such a sweetheart, darling! I'm coming!"
May: 11
Theme: Rebel
"The law of the mermaid says to "do not go near humans or touch any human things!" but this is for boring mermaids not for me!"
May: 12
Theme: Strange
I found that strange mermaid in the bottom of the Sea. She was lost, alone and was I.
May: 13
Theme: Golden
A mermaid with a golden tale :)
May: 14
Theme: Threaten
That mermaid threatens to hug his best friend to death
May: 15
Theme: Behemoth
May: 16
Theme: Urgent
"Oh, no, that is a human! And he saw us! What should we do, what should we do! Quickly think of something ... It's urgent!!"
Theme: Propose
The sailor says to the mermaid: " You want to see how people dance, sing, walk, talk ... and I want too see you all the time. I propose you to come and live with me in this aquarium! Think about it ... We can live a better life."
May: 18
Theme: Rockstar
Theme: Feels
When you always dream of something that seems to be impossible to have and you some how got it, it hits you right in the feels!
May: 20
Theme: Foreigner
"Ohh, that a strange foreigner!"
"That's a human!"
"Uhh, he has very unusual fins!"
"I think, that's a human!"
"Ahh, look, he has no fish scales!"
"I told you, that's a human!"
"Human? Noo! It couldn't be ... It's to ugly to be a human!"
May: 21
Theme: Weekend
"Today is a weekend! What should I do different than swimming? I will gaze the ocean! I could never get bord to do it!"
May: 22
Theme: Pet
"What a scary pet you have! Uhh, look at his teeth!"
"He just seems scary, but actually he is very quiet and doesn't bite at all! I found him near the human swimming houses. There are thousands of those creatures there. I can show you, so you can take one of your own!"
May: 23
Theme: Sweet
When I look at that mermaid I feel happy when I know that human life is only a sweet dream for her! She has the whole ocean to explore what else could she possibly need
May: 24
Theme: Approach
We will all approach old age some day, believe it or not. Do mermaids swim during their whole life, I wonder?!
May: 25
Theme: Competition
Underwater costume competition. I don't know if the human vote could be counted, but you can pick one
May: 26
Theme: Frustration
Tears of frustration are falling when you really want to be seen but you won't dare to show yourself and you probably never would.
May: 27
Theme: Western
Western underwater :D
May: 28
Theme: Lonely
Nobody knows that she is not bad or evil. She was just born different and that's all! Pure lonely creature.
May: 29
Theme: Daddy
That's what happened when you leave the kids with Daddy :)
P.S A late MerMay drawing. Two more left to go :)
May: 30
Theme: Captured
That mermaid captured all men's hearts ... literally!
May: 31
Theme: You As A Mermaid
I couldn't think of the way to draw underwater so I decided that if I was a mermaid I would like to be a sculptor
MerMay 2018

MerMay 2018
