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Ernst & Young 250 pictograms on brand

EIGA                                                                                                                                                    Strategic –––– Brand Design

250 pictograms on brand. EY, Pictogram series

Based on a new brand design, EIGA developed a unique pictogram series containing over 250 individual images. The global business consultants of EY wanted their own pictorial language for presentation media in order to simplify and break down complicated concepts.
​​​​​​​more on eiga.de

A brand iconography to meet various needs. In addition to simple notions like employee, balance sheet or telephone, they also wanted to have abstract ideas like tax reform, state and educational objective transformed into contemporary images.
Pictogram derived from the brand design. The visual language of the pictogram is directly derived from the formal language of the corporate design, playing with strictly defined angles, surfaces and line thicknesses; it thus serves as the perfect complement within a unified brand appearance.

Ernst & Young 250 pictograms on brand

Ernst & Young 250 pictograms on brand
