Various Pieces of Digital Work from 2018
Concept work for Characters and environments for Tears of a Machine, an audio drama based off a tabletop game I played with several friends. First piece done in Procreate over 11 hours, the other two are Photoshop, 10 and 5 hours respectively. 
Experimental .gif animations, both based off of tabletop games. The right was done in Procreate and edited together in photoshop and took 2 hours, the left was entirely done in Adobe Photoshop and took 1 hour.
Two pieces of character art for a story-based group online, featuring my character interacting with those of others. Both were done in Procreate on the iPad, and took about an hour and a half.
Gift art for a friend who was feeling down. She'd created a very serene and noble looking cat character, so I immediately tried to make it look silly. (Adobe Photoshop, 2 hours)
Fanart for Square Enix's Final Fantasy XV (Photoshop, 6 hours)
Various experimental paintings; a lot of looser experimenting with different styles of linework and tidied up sketches; trying to set up mood, lighting, and interesting compositions.
Character Illustration for Tears of a Machine project anniversary. Myself and another of the artists decided to celebrate the project's 1-year anniversary by choosing one of the other's old pieces, which they had to re-do. I'd initially done a very rough watercolour painting of this character surrounded by a wreath of mushrooms and cables; revisiting it with a more cohesive composition and colour scheme was a really fun exercise. (Adobe Photoshop, 8+ hours)
Inspired by a frame from this video as part of a 'redraw video frames of animations you remember from your childhood' challenge on twitter. (Adobe Photoshop, 4 hours)
Personal Character Reference for an online group, giving an idea of markings and body type for a character., 7.5 Hours, Procreate
A series of 1-hour character drawings to get used to creating clean lineart; done in Procreate.
Warmup drawing and digital painting practice of a creature design best described "an Objectively Wrong Horse." 4 hours in Adobe photoshop. 
Cleaned up sketchbook work; photos taken with my ipad, imported into procreate with the contrast bumped up, and coloured and shaded digitally!
Coloured Sketchbook work; 2 hours on on pencil work, 3.5 hours in Procreate
Went on a bit of a kick of drawing Strange Horses with Incorrect legs (and paws!) in the snow; attempting to show the character at different ages and with different moods. The left was done in Procreate and took around 2 hours, the right was done in Adobe Photoshop and took closer to 4. 
To round out the end of the year, I took the briefest of forays into trying lineless art in procreate. Found myself still relying on some lines to entirely differentiate parts of the image, but overall am pleased with it.
Personal Art 2018