Alban Phillips's profile

Where do you draw the line?

5 day Live brief.

in this project, we had the opportunity to remake the hoarding opposite our art building in Manchester. This hoarding will be fixed onto the wall until September next year, so what we do with the board will have to be motivating, aspiring and helpful to us in the long term.

We chose to stick with the message 'Where do you draw the line?'. This message isn't just a question but a statement to the viewer. As it is 3rd year in university, we need to decide for ourselves how we can break our own boundaries and how far we push a project until it is truly finished. 

We chose to visually represent this by breaking the boundary of our very own brief. We were given an objective to fill up a hoarding of 228.5 x 105.5cm hoarding, but we decided to go around this hoarding, visually enticing the viewer to go around the hoarding to see the message carry on on the other side. Instead of using the one hoarding as we were told, we eventually used up 5 hoardings. 

We imitated this design in our own personal exhibition inside the benzie building, as shown in the pictures below. From using 2 boards, we managed to flip the statement onto different sides. We hope that this project opens people's minds, and aspire them to not be afraid to break their own boundary. 
Where do you draw the line?

Where do you draw the line?
