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Redesign of meat products' labels

Dressed in new clothes sausage "Kalinka"
Redesign of meat products' labels
We decided, it would be important to make the label design more modern, to leave behind coloured woodcuts' artwork, but keeping the berry pattern at the core.
Designers decided to make the artwork as light as possible: they abandoned the botanical fine line drawing of the floral elements, counter-balanced excessive details, which drew attention away from the product name. We used a lighter easier to grasp font. Its smooth lines blend well with uncluttered floral ornamental pattern. Thus when glancing at the packaging first thing that stands out are the three white logo letters on the dark background. The only green detail is a leaf, which transmits the idea of freshness and environmental friendliness of the product. In the previous version the logo was hardly noticeable, so we gave it more emphasis. As a result the label is now more distinctive and recognisable.
In the end we achieved a light modern design,  that is not overloaded with details.
Redesign of meat products' labels

Redesign of meat products' labels
