Art Center
Sofia, Bulgaria

Design team: arch.Lachezar Nikolov, arch.Krasimira Georgieva, arch.Mariana Pinhal
Visualization: arch. Lachezar Nikolov

The design of the new Art Center in Sofia, Bulgaria is based upon a sensitive approach to the context and the 
co-existence between heritage and the new. Art is perpetually young , but invigorated by the past. The industrial building and its surroundings are preserved along with the surrounding area including building heights, terrain levels, signs and graffiti art.

The main concept gestures are adding a new body on top of the existing one, illuminating it during the night. The public functions will also be extended from the bottom to the top of building 1. The visitor can experience the touch of all the art spaces while participating in the social activities concentrated in the core of the entry space. On top of the building there are views to the park and the surroundings. Artists, visitors, the public, space and nature co-inhabit in a way that stimulates creativity and fellowship. 

The grand hall, small hall and exhibition space surround the public entry space. The ground floor event areas breath in and expand to the outdoors in the park during the hot seasons, breathe out and adjust their volume during the winter - dancing in a natural rhythm together with the environment. The performance and exhibition spaces are adaptable for a wide range of activities sustaining the flexible character of the CI. The artists’ zone is a secluded introvert space permeated with numerous natural gardens. Work, creating, recreation and living functions are organized one after another in a sequence of experiences interrupted by natural pockets. In order to make the building a genuinely public attraction, an essential part of the design is to provide an appealing mix of urban uses open to the public and integrating the building into the surrounding park.

Ground Level Built-up Area: 880 m2
Total Area of the Overground Levels: 1450 m2
Landscaped Areas: 3040 m2
Project Cost: 2 800 287.60 lv

Art Center

Art Center

Art Center - architectural competition project
