Ethos Magazine 1

/ Art Direction + Editorial Design

I was approached by the Ethos C.I.C to lead the design direction of their new ethical business magazine, Ethos. Ethos is a magazine for and about ethical entrepreneurs, innovation and sustainability - good stories of good people doing good things. With an emphasis on accessible and engaging content, the small format and low cover price seeks to appeal to readers of all interests. Typographic and graphic elements remain consistent throughout, whilst bold use of colours and illustrations reflects the variety of stories featured.

The face of global business is changing. No longer do we live in an age of the faceless corporation; the rat-race; the uninspiring, sterile office block –­­ today, business is exciting, it’s vibrant, it’s innovative – today’s business thrives on human interaction.

The magazine you’re holding is an example of the changing landscape of business. Rejecting traditional funding streams, we turned to the global community instead – to our audience – and asked them to help bring Ethos to life. It wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for those people putting their passwords into their PayPal accounts and crowdfunding our first issue…

With the growth of the internet, has come a growth of awareness, a need for transparency – people are simply more aware of what they’re buying, who they’re buying from, and how the profits are being spent by the companies that they’re investing their money in. Businesses are adapting in response to this global community of conscious consumers. Ethos Magazine tells the stories of these businesses; these value-driven businesses, both big and small; local and global.

Technology has made our world smaller, yet our vision bigger. For modern day business, the world is its trading floor – cross-country collaboration between companies has become a way of solving some of the biggest issues facing our world today. Take Parley for the Oceans as the perfect example; first to grace the cover of Ethos Magazine, Parley for the Oceans has issued a global call-to-arms to the world’s leaders, thinkers, scientists and brands, to tackle the growing problem of ocean plastic pollution.

Sometimes a little escapism is healthy. Sometimes it’s okay to tune out for an hour; to switch off the news, and immerse yourself in the stories of good businesses – the businesses collaborating across continents, inclusive of all creeds and cultures – to make our world a better place.

Lucy Chesters 

Editorial assistant
Grace Dodd


Fiona Shaw

Andrew Beattie
Amina Bihi
Robin Brown
Grace Dodd
Becka Griffin
Jennifer Howden
Patrick Hurley
Allan Melia
Fiona Shaw

Ethos Magazine 1

Ethos Magazine 1

Ethos is a magazine for and about ethical entrepreneurs, innovation and sustainability - good stories of good people doing good things.
