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Spy Games - Artwork from the game Spycraft

Spy Games
Artwork from the game Spycraft

In 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group had a paranormal superspy game in development.  They had a style in mind which would be black and white on black and would look gritty.  The art director, Jim Pinto, sent out an email call for artists.  I quickly put together a sample piece of what i had in mind and was happy to get the job. 

What followed was a surprising run.  The two books I was initially contracted for turned into a run of 19 books as i did the covers for the entire first edition of the game, with additional books for licensed companies who wanted "the Spycraft look". 

The following represent some of the best work I did for the line, including the licensed books.  Enjoy!
This is the first piece I did for the game book, originally titled Series Archer, then renamed to Spycraft.  It strongly resenbles the audition piece i sent in.
Cover for "Spycraft" ©2001 Alderace Entertainment Group
This piece was called "Friday" as in my imagination, i imagined this intense sniper to be a supercapable Girl friday who could "handle" any situation.  She was on the cover of the accompanying product line to Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer.
Cover for "Shadowforce Archer" © 2001 Alderace Entertainment Group
Cover for "Wheelman"  © 2001 Alderace Entertainment Group
As time went on, direction from the client led to more clean lines and shading.
Cover for "Faceman/Snoop" ©2002 Alderace Entertainment Group
Cover for "Mastermind" ©2002 Alderace Entertainment Group
A key element to the style of the books was a single color highlight.  For the first set of covers I did, this was done by someone inhouse.  For the second set, I was able to plan ahead for that pop of color.
Cover for "Villain X" ©2002 Alderace Entertainment Group
 Cover to "The 1960s Decade Book" ©2001 Alderace Entertainment Group
It was very important to research aspects of arms, armor and battle dress to accurately portray different characters. This woman is an Israeli soldier.
Cover for "World Militaries" ©2002 Alderace Entertainment Group
Cover for "Battlegrounds" ©2002 Alderac Entertainment Group
Cover for "U.S. Militaries" ©2002 Alderace Entertainment Group
After the game license was acquired by other companies, I started working with them to give them covers with the same "Spycraft" aesthetic. 
Cover for Spycraft:Most Wanted" ©2001 Paradigm Concepts, Inc.

This supplement had a very definite sensibility going in.  They already had a mockup, just wanted the running figure done in my style to match other Spycraft books.
Cover for "Spycraft: Mission Highly Improbable"  ©2003 New Breed Games
The Dark inheritance was already published under a different game system but was converted across using the Classic Spycraft rules. They wanted to be similar yet different to the other Spycraft covers, so they elected to have a red background.
Cover to "Dark Inheritance: Powered by Spycraft" ©2004 Mythic Dream Studios
Although the company had contracted me for three covers, only one was ever published. 
 ©2004 Veronica V. Jones
This piece is based on a discarded rough developed during my Spycraft work. 
 ©2008 Veronica V. Jones
Spy Games - Artwork from the game Spycraft

Spy Games - Artwork from the game Spycraft

A selection from the work I did for the Spycraft first edition game books.


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