David Waschbüsch's profile

Konstata Stencil

Kon­stata is a niche font. Cre­ated for use as sten­cil for signage it fea­tures a set of only 10 dif­fer­ent ele­ments out of which you can com­pose the com­plete typeface. There­fore it bor­ders between being some­what grungy, mod­u­lar and classic. Kon­stata is sup­posed to be stenciled with closed coun­ters - which is pos­sible due to the mod­u­lar system. In fact there are no bridges in it at all. It con­sists of a com­plete set of uni­case let­ters - numer­als are meant to be done as roman num­bers, ger­man diacritics are includes as ue (ä), oe (ö), ae (ä) and ss (ß). Any medium will do the job but I sug­gest using fast dry­ing paint like Placka, Edding  or Montana 94  spray-paint to speed up the pro­cess of com­pos­ing all elements.
On the key­board you will find all 10 ele­ments on the pos­i­tion of numer­als (0-9); a set of fully com­posed char­ac­ters on the pos­i­tion of lower­case let­ters (a-z incl. ü, ö, ä, ß); and every let­ter com­posed by the low­est pos­sible num­ber of parts at the pos­i­tion of cap­ital letters.
Konstata Stencil

Konstata Stencil

The now released »BS Kon­stata« is really a niche font. Cre­ated for use as sten­cil for sin­age it fea­tures a set of only 10 dif­fer­ent ele­me Read More
