Dana Malang's profile

WhaWhaaWhacky Promotional Videos

I have worked as a Content Copywriter and Social Media Manager for the brand WhaWhaaWhacky and these are the promotional materials that I proudly made (without budget too), aside from the layout and graphic works and copywriting that I contributed.

Special thanks to my officemates who assissted me!

Talking and exciting plushies called WhaWhaaWhacky; created by the Whacky Cloud that drifts over the earth to sprinkle its magical powers upon us. He flies and crashes on to anything, anywhere, and makes them alive and extraordinary.

Visit whawhaawhacky.com/products to hear them!

WhaWhaaWhacky Promotional videos for Taison Co. - June 2016
Music: Jazz in Paris - Media Right Productions

"WhaWhaaWhacky Sets Loose"

These Whackys find themselves loose in an office ‪#‎Whaa‬
"WhaWhaaWhacky Banana Comes To Life"

Banana avoids being eaten by turning into a Whacky #Whaa
"WhaWhaaWhacky Cactus Comes To Life"

Cactus gets watered and turns into a Whacky #Whaa

"WhaWhaaWhacky Hotdog Comes To Life"

Hotdog avoids being eaten by turning into a Whacky #Whaa
"WhaWhaaWhacky Dynamite Comes To Life"

Dynamite defeats the bad guy by turning into a Whacky #Whaa
"WhaWhaaWhacky Telephone Comes To Life"

Telephone avoids being answered by turning into a Whacky #Whaa
"WhaWhaaWhacky Soda Comes To Life"

Soda avoids being opened by turning into a Whacky #Whaa
WhaWhaaWhacky Promotional Videos


WhaWhaaWhacky Promotional Videos

I have worked as a Content Copywriter and Social Media Manager for the brand WhaWhaaWhacky and these are the promotional materials that I proudly Read More
