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Cartoon for Almere Vandaag

Cartoons for Almere Vandaag
Local and national themes
Almere is a city in The Netherlands of 200.000 people. It has it's own daily: Almere Vandaag. I draw 4 cartoons for the paper every week. Here's a selection.
In the whole of The Netherlands, during one day it was permitted to hand over your illegal knives without getting a fine. In this cartoon the officer regards the knives surrounding him as being delivered up..
Bus signs show you how long it takes for the next bus to come. However, this sign tells you many minutes you're too late.
Treasurer of The Almere City Run has taken money from the treasure. A good reason for an extra run.
'When wil you come by with your truck to empty my bin? Hello?'
Cartoon for Almere Vandaag

Cartoon for Almere Vandaag

in the whole of The Netherland, during one day it was permitted to hand over your illegal knives without getting a fine. In this cartoon the offi Read More
