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Auro, for Aurelio De Laurentiis

The extravirgin olive oil Auro, born from the desire and the passion of Jacqueline and Aurelio De Laurentis, President of Filmauro, one of the most important film production houses in italy, and also President of Napoli Soccer.
De Laurentis asked Antonino Mennella to take care and follow the production of the oil and asked to us to design the label and "dress" the bottle of his new product. The name "Auro" becomes the graphic composition and plays with the length of the bottle. Full, elegant and bright. The gold foil celebrate the quality of the oil and conveys preciousness.

Discover more: here
Auro, for Aurelio De Laurentiis

Auro, for Aurelio De Laurentiis

Auro is the Olive oil by Aurelio and Jacqueline De Laurentiis, curated by Antonino Mennella and dressed by ourselves.
