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May Day 2012 at Occupy Oakland

Occupy Oakland May Day
May 1st, 2012
by Casino Nelson
Sad looking officer defends city hall from the people.
News media at the protest slant the information shown on the nghtly local news. The only real media outlets to trust left are citizen journalists of social media.
Disseminating information is a crucial part of the Occupy Movement.
Due to the excessive use of chemical agents (tear gas and pepper bombs) by the Oakland Police Dept. gas maskes are a neccessity at the Oakland protests.
Protesters push the Oakland Police Dept. more than 3 blocks away from Oscar Grant Plaza.
600+ known Anarchist descend on Oakland's Occupy protests among the thousands of other demonstrators.
Our Streets.
Impromptu poetry in Oscar Grant Plaza.
Power to the People.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." -Dr. Seuss
Anarchist with shields defend against the police state.
Occupy Oakland protester.
"Quan you can't get rid of us"
Protesters take to the streets.
The steps of City Hall 20 Oakland Police Dept. officers stand watch. "Oakland Ranked #5 place to visit in the world"
A young officer stands watch at Oakland City Hall.
Faceless Oakland Police Oppressors.
Holding the line.
This is what a police state looks like.
A lady casually painting in the park.
An Occupy Oakland long time protester.
Officer patrols Oscar Grant Plaza.
Pig piñata broken open in front of pig.
Ocuppy protesters defense tactic.
Older women bleeding from the nose and head on the front lines.
Anarchists tag a billboard at the onset of nightfall in Oakland.
also visit for more images from Occupy Wall Street and my complete portfolio. Coming soon footage from Occupy Oakland May Day.
May Day 2012 at Occupy Oakland