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Innovate UK | YouTube Branding

Innovate UK is the UK's Innovation Agency, they fund and support science and technology innovations that will grow the UK economy.

Nucco Brain was appointed by Innovate UK to support the organisation in reaching out to a wider target audience through their digital marketing strategy.
The main task involved rebranding their YouTube Channel while producing new video series formats to share across their social media platforms.
Using our knowledge of branding and video, our team developed different extensions of the Innovate UK brand, each with a distinct visual style.
These included animated guidelines, format structure creation and visual designs that have been used by all Innovate UK’s content service providers to generate consistent productions for online content.

The project has resulted in a successful reboot of Innovate UK’s YouTube channel.
Not only have subscriptions increased by 650% and content views by 875% but the organisation has also reached 125+ organic placements with external, relevant publishers and sector influencers in the space of less than a year.
About the Video
This is Innovate UK’s essential advice and tips on securing funding. Whether a startup, small business or SME make sure you watch the video and subscribe to our channel for more funding advice.

The video outlines and explains the most important factors for a business when trying to secure investment. The tips contains actionable advice and are supported by comments from industry experts from all sides of the funding / investment spectrum. 

The 5 tips are as follows:

1) Explore all your start-up and SME funding options

2) Ask for the RIGHT amount of money

3) Research – know your numbers and present credible figures

4) Present an awesome business plan

5) Plan enough time for fundraising

Head over to our blog for even more in-depth analysis on securing funding:

Check out more essential tips on how to pitch for investment here: 

Find out if you are eligible to apply for innovation funding:

Our latest funding competitions are available from:
About the Video

Predictions: The intelligent home and how the Internet of Things will transform our domestic lives.

When you think about how radically our lives have been changed by technology over the past few decades, you really have to wonder – what’s next?

We already have a comprehensive idea about the future of domestic living. The ‘Internet of Things’ is already taking us into an era where connective technology is changing how we live our daily lives.

Discover more future predictions in our playlist here: Click Here

Subscribe to our channel for more exciting future predictions: Click Here
About the Video
In our first Game changers video we feature ‘woman in tech’ Jenny Griffiths, founder of Snap Fashion.

What exactly defines a game changer? One description would be something of an amalgamation of a visionary, a business leader and a real inspiration for others. Bring such traits together and you have yourself an individual with the potential to change the way we look at and think about the way things are done… changing the ‘game’ for the better. 

Where certain key industries are dominated by certain genders, age groups, ethnicities or anything else, it’s often down to game changers to show that change is both possible and beneficial.

Why not check out some of the Innovate UK success stories here: Click Here

Subscribe to the Innovate UK channel for more videos around women in tech and innovation: Click Here
About the Video
A business that developed a conductive paint with support from Innovate UK is in demand from other businesses that see exciting new uses for its technology.

Bare Conductive ( began developing products such as its Electric Paint Tube and its Touch Board after winning a £100,000 Innovate UK award in 2010.
Innovate UK | YouTube Branding

Innovate UK | YouTube Branding

Innovate UK is the UK's Innovation Agency, they fund and support science and technology innovations that will grow the UK economy. Nucco Brain Read More
