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Hiraya: Philippine mythology coloring book

"One-eyed Goddess"

In Tagalog mythology, Mayari (also known as Bulan) is the beautiful and most charming lunar deity who was the daughter of Bathala, the king of the gods, to a mortal woman. Mayari is the Goddess of Combat, War, Revolution, Hunt, Weaponry, Beauty, Strength, Moon and Night. She is known as the most beautiful deity in Bathala's court. She is the sister of Tala, the goddess of stars and Adlaw (also known as Apolaki), god of the sun. However, in some mythology, Tala is Mayari's daughter.
In a Pampangan myth, Bathala died without leaving a will and Apolaki and Mayari fought over who would rule the earth. Apolaki wanted to rule the earth alone while Mayari insisted on equal rights. The two fought out the conflict with bamboo clubs until Mayari lost an eye. After Apolaki saw what he had done, he agreed to rule the earth together but at different times. However, her light is dimmer than her brother's due to the loss of her eye.
Dalikamata, Dalikmata.

Dalikamata is said to be the patron diwata of people suffering from eye diseases, defects, healers and people gifted with the third sight. Although a benevolent goddess, she is said to also cause blindness and eye troubles on the sinful and evil people in the society of yore. Healers and babaylans invoke her to give them answers through visions, dreams and premonitions, as she is the only one who can see the past, the present and the future. Households usually have altars made for her, in the hopes that the family will be spared from eye troubles and diseases. They would be offering her small tokens of appreciation, through kamangyan (a type of incense) flowers and trinkets to symbolize their devotion to the many-eyed deity.
Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan
Goddess of Greed.

One of her stories told that she was able to seduce Liadlaw, God of the Sun, by displaying her buttocks (hence the Kim K pose, lol).
Aman Sinaya, Amihan, Bathala
The three gods divided the universe, so all three could rule over it, Bathala took the sky, Sea was taken by Aman Sinaya and the realm between was given to Amihan. But differences started to grow between Bathala and Aman Sinaya.
Due to these differences, Bathala and Aman Sinaya alwaysd tried to win over each other, Aman Sinaya sending typhons to the sky while Bathala used his bolts. But when Aman Sinaya sent a big storm to the sky, Bathala tried to stop her sending boulders of mountains to stop her, creating lots of islands.
Amihan was very sad for all of these fights, so in an attempt to stop them, she turn herself into a golden bird and started to fly between the sky and sea going back and forth. With this both realms started to get close to each other, until finally they met. With this action, both Bathala and Aman Sinaya decided not to fight anymore and became friends.
And these are the Legends of the Creation of the Philippines.
Hiraya: Philippine mythology coloring book

Hiraya: Philippine mythology coloring book

Philippine Ancient Deities, Myths and Legends. This is my dream project. I've always been curious about our ancient culture. I first knew they e Read More
