Best Buy Gaming Department
Capture the Flag
OVERVIEW: Best Buy wanted to support the very fast growing video gaming market and to help customers through all phases of the customer experience circle. A key driver in the market is the growth of game trade in.

CREATIVE OBJECTIVE: Generate awareness for customers of Best Buy's gaming value props and create a holistic experience through out the department.

SOLUTION: Key areas of the department (Trade-in desk, New Release & Coming Soon/Pre-order kiosk) are featured as customers enter the space. These areas are defined using a background designed to appeal to the heavy game, The grey stylized background features a gritty look evoking fantasy and shooter games. After many creative iterations, a direct copy approach was deemed the most effective.

The inline runs used a white cap with directional messaging to guide customers. And since gamers shop by vendor (i.e. Xbox, PS3 and Wii), the existing inline sections were retained. We provided our creative approach to our vendor partners, ensuring a common customer experience. The inline runs leverage the vendor colors, allowing for the Best Buy promotional and value prop messaging.

AGENCY: Best Buy Channel Design
CLIENT: Best Buy Entertainment CSG
CREATIVE DIRECTOR (graphics): Brendan Finnegan
ART DIRECTOR: Tanya Watkins & Ric Peltier

AGENCY: Best Buy Channel Design
CLIENT: Best Buy Entertainment CSG
CREATIVE DIRECTOR(graphics): Brendan Finnegan
ART DIRECTOR: Tanya Watkins & Ric Peltier
AGENCY: Best Buy Channel Design
CLIENT: Best Buy Entertainment CSG
CREATIVE DIRECTOR(graphics): Brendan Finnegan
ART DIRECTOR: Tanya Watkins & Ric Peltier
President Obama shops for Christmas gifts at Best Buy in Alexandria, Va., on Dec. 21, 2011. (Carolyn Kaster/AP)
Retail: Gaming

Retail: Gaming

OVERVIEW: Best Buy wanted to support the very fast growing video gaming market and to help customers through all phases of the customer experienc Read More
