I'd describe myself, partly obviously, as a Disney freak, I love everything that is connected to fims by Walt Disney Pictures. As I started working on my portfolio I knew that one project has to be based on Disney. This one, besides representing four Disney films is also going to show four seasons and present four places/buildings in specific season. In the end I'm going to make a mockup out of this. More information below. 

TANGLED: I decided to choose Tangled as one of four disney films for this project, Rapunzel and her friendly cameleon are one of my faves and their towe couldn't be missed in this mockup you're about to see in three more drawings/pages. Tangled is going to represent spring over there. 

FROZEN: As the project is going to represent not only Disney but also four seasons I couldn't miss Frozen (for the winter part obviously). The storyline to this film is really beautiful and touching to be honest. Besides that it's incredibly inspiring due to interiors and exteriors we're able to see while watching it. My favourite is Elsas ics castle, it looks so delicate and strong at the same time. Very nice one. 
FAIRIES: Another film that I absolutely adore. Fairies is going to represent autumn. Why? It's easy, the first time I've seen this one was somewhere durning autumn. I can remember myself and my sister sitting under the blanket, watching it on Disny Channel. I loved it and that's why it's a part og it! (Also there is one part of Tinkerbell and her friends adventures durning autumn time).
LILO & STITCH: Lilo and Stitch is my all time favourite Disney film that have ever been created on this planet Earth. The storyline is very close to  my heart and simply means a lot to me. When it comes to the project - I knew I couldn't miss it, it was actually the film that I've chosen as the first one. Lilo and Stitch is going to represent summer as it's all about surfing and developing the island whilst Stitch is trying to find himself. 
ABOUT MOCKUP  IDEA (before even starting it): Everything has to be made out of cardboard as I own a huge cardbord box and am finally going to use it; I won't paint it fully, just around one/two colours on one season as it's going to be just a symbol, not a recreation of a building/place + I'm not sure about the cardboard bit, it might be a tricky material to work with but am going to give it a go! + no character included, only exteriors/places + spring (green, purple), winter (blue, white), autumn (orange, brown), summer (yellow, red)
As I guessed - cardboard was a tricky material to work with, so whilst working on this mockup I changed my plan a tiny bit, decided to make it as a mixed media thing, as it seemed to work better this way and I wasn't wrong, not this time. I also decided to add more colours than just two of them, but still - I tried to mostly use ones I've choosen before even starting it. 
The most suprising bit in here was using millet as sand on the beach. The rest of the process is visible on the pictures. 
The final piece is something what I really dreamed of, like the way how it turned out in the end. The only thing that I'd probably change/do differently if I create it once again is the hight and width of the tree, it's a tiny bit too big, but not that big and disturbing. Got to admit that I adore the final result. This is also my third project and the last big one for this portfolio. The next bits and pieces are samples of my sketchbook, filming/editing and photography.


the project is focused on presenting four seasons in a mockup version, preceded by an earlier selection of disney films and representative buildi Read More


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