FØnline: client-server game engine, intended for developing network modifications of Fallout 1/2. First games to be released on it will be:

After development complition server, client and content of Fallout:
The Life After will be available for public use, and everyone will be able to make his own game server with no any limitations [for himself at home, in local network or for internet game].
Content modifications are also possible with available tools.
Estimated date of first SDK version release: by the june of 2010.
Руководство по выживанию на ПустошиFØnline guide book

Illustrated PDF ≤5mb, russian language, recommend scale for view: 75%
Fallout Ønline

Fallout Ønline

This is a non-commercial project. I made it for my own pleasure as Fallout is my passion.
