Grant Fisher's profile

Videogame Controllers

In my lifetime, I've played a ton of videogames. Admittedly, these days, it's hard to carve out time for any gaming, but the love is still there.
Over the course of the summer and fall of 2015, I started working on some videogame controller illustrations to push me to keep creating content, but also to learn some new techniques and challenge myself to stay within a certain aesthetic. The result is an homage to videogame controllers, from the old school to next gen. In total, I created 45 controllers, many of which I didn't know existed until I started this project. Can you name all the systems that these controllers go to?
You can pick up this poster on my Etsy shop here!
Videogame Controllers

Videogame Controllers

Over the course of summer 2015, I created a ton of videogame controllers as a part of an icon series.
