Democratization of art implies a wide dissemination, on every available media in a voluntary transmedia logic.
In this area, digital arts have a major advantage : free from physical restraint, they can be deployed on all screens of everyday life.
The only downside of this infinite multiplication possibility can be the loss of aura that follows. But despite the legal provisions that limit the number of copies of an artwork, art knows no boundaries. This law does not protect art but its buyers ; it is at the expense of art, its public, its democratization.

As a digital protean artist guided by interactions between sound and image (video art, audiovisual performance, generative art, interactive installations, interactive Vjing, etc.), as an activist for a wide democratization, I spread my works and create new ones for Android tablets and smartphones.
Originally was the desire to create an interactive generative work in several tableaux, "Digital Haikus".
This unidentified digital object does not find its place in the consecrated exhibition spaces and the only way to make it live actually was to make it available for Android. The proposed experiment is optimal, the public surf at will in 15 different haikus, stays the time he wants in each one and interacts with the works or chooses to stay on a contemplative mode. The art itself is accessible from home, in transit, during a pause in one’s activity, etc.

When the artist has acquired the skills to transform his generative works (usually coded in Java) in an app for Android, the transposition of his already completed works becomes child's play.

After "Digital Haikus", "Hertzian Labyrinth", "Biosphere", "Prairies" and "Indian Generative", four existing works in different forms (generative art, participatory art, net art, interactive installation, game), are deployed for Android.
Finally, the feature of touchscreen interactive media opens new perspectives to the encoder artist, who can create new artworks or find a holder for some of his works for which he had not previously found the right medium. "Frog songs," a fun tool for learning music and "Bell Shooting," a shooter game, two existing works but never released due to lack of appropriate media, are taking advantage of this technology to start their existence.

There remains the question of the sale price and the artist's remuneration. The financial investment is very low (25 dollars to open a developer account on Google Play), but human investment can be considerable. I opted for free for my already existing works that did not require much work, and the choice of paying (very modest sums in terms of time spent and amounts generally dedicated to art) to works requiring long weeks of work.

The dynamic is launched, the tools exist and are accessible, works become available but will the audience be there ? Will some other artists choose the dissemination of their works, or will they prefer to be confined to traditional channels ?

Anyway, if you're looking art on Google Play, you will have to show some perseverance as "arts" is absent from the 53 proposed categories ... Meanwhile, here is the page where you can download my works: Fran et Jim on Google Play


As a digital protean artist guided by interactions between sound and image (video art, audiovisual performance, generative art, interactive insta Read More
