Journey into a kaleidoscopic microcosm - a miniature universe of darkness and fluorescence.
With the presence of a magnetised field, I mixed ferrofluid with fluorescent substances to create psychedelic macro patterns. 'Fluorescent' explores their surreal synthesis - using movement and colour to restore a childlike sense of awe and wonder - to let imaginations run wild.
Created with UV lights, ferrofluid, fluorescent watercolours, paints, inks and oils.
Appearing for 1-2 seconds and smaller than an inch across - I captured these patterns with a HFR camera and macro lens before they vanished back into darkness.
Practical effects. No CGI. Reality.
A film by Karl Fenton
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Journey into a kaleidoscopic microcosm - a miniature universe of darkness and fluorescence. With the presence of a magnetised field, I mixed fer Read More
