These guys are the characters of PARTY HARD! 
Each character reflects the classic stereotypes, but in a really innovative way and with a lot of fun and black humor! These guys are invited to the birthday party of their unlucky friend Nora in her beautiful villa , but, during the event, a strange and unexpected murder happened and it involved everyone in the resolution of the enigma, by several allegations between them.
Each artist from KAMA STUDIO chose a character to draw for the PARTY HARD book. My favourite character was Carlo Magno also known as "Big Tasty" for his huge and massive size. He love's eating everytime and every kind of food, but he is fond of fast foods hamburgers and every kind of cakes and sweets! 
Book project called "PARTY HARD" with comics pages and several illustrations made by six different artists from KAMA Studio


PARTY HARD is a book project made by six artists from KAMA STUDIO! Every artist re-designed the characters by his own style, and everyone chose a Read More
