Alexander Medem's profile

L'Enfant et les Sortileges

L ' E N F A N T   E T   L E S   S O R T I L E G E S 
Covent Garden. Iris Theatre . London
Howard Loxton, The British Theatre Guide, 2009
"It is a relief to say that I enjoyed this version, performed by silent actor/dancers and sung by offstage voices... Director Alexander Medem certainly gets over the problem of singing teacups. Medem and movement director Shona Morris present objects and animals in human form - an arm angled like a spout to suggest a teapot, for instance. A cat and a scurrying squirrel are easily identified by their movement – an enjoyable evening and colourful costumes, almost non-stop movement (no static arias in this show!) combine with the sincerity of the performers to hold the attention of the youngsters in the audience."
Photography by Ken Wilson-Max
L'Enfant et les Sortileges

L'Enfant et les Sortileges

Children's Opera Project with actors and singers and musicians on a low cost basis in the summer of 2009 in London!


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