The Depressus
The Depressus is a horrible creature. It's part miasma and nastiness, it creeps into every part of your being making you feel so horrible about EVERYTHING. It's not the simple 'occasional' bad day, but a very real monster that starts pressing all your 'everything is going wrong, just die' buttons even though when things are not bad at all. This monster can be defeated by mixtures of attitude change, proper medication, therapy, or even smiling. However, some Depressus are more virulent than others - so anyone battling a Depressus requires understanding, encouragement, and lots of love. They either birth from your birth or due to lifetime traumas and situations.
The Spider Queen
Spider Queen lures the unsuspecting into her lair due to scintillating remarks and flattery, only to to suck the life out of the victim and dispose their body like a piece of trash. She prefers the flesh of young men, as they are more succulent and are naive enough to be manipulated at greater mileage through her "charms".
The Two-Faced Bitch
She will be your friend... only to take what you have and stab you in the back due to either some sort of random malicious thought in her head... could be jealousy or just to be sadistic for whatever reason in her sick head. She mutates from a lovely person into a hideous, terrible, mean thing. The change will be so fast it will confuse you and disorient you first. However, you're not crazy. That's who they are exactly.
The Adorned Sucking Worm
In the same family as the Spider Queen, this is more of an indolent creature. She is adorned and pretty enough so people will notice her, however, she will latch on with her long fingers and the gaping hole of a mouth. She will bleed you dry, sucking the life out of you. However, she lacks the pretty words that her sister, the Spider Queen uses.
The Self-Aggrandizer
She sits there, tooting her own horn of "I'm a model, I'm an actor, This will be my year" only never to do the work and have her hands outstretched for handouts. That's all this creature lives on: pity, begging, and bragging while being useless and lazy without doing anything remotely useful.
The Professional Mourner
It's all about HER. Everything in the world is a tragedy and a horrible, terrible thing that happens to her. She cries, throws fits, and screams at you about how you can't (won't) help her will deny her any figment of happiness. Whenever she gets injured (like a simple cut) she will go on and on showing her broken wing to everyone and talking about her TDAP shot, (all the while uploading furiously unto social media about it) as nothing ever like that happens to anyone ever.
The Riler
The Riler is a poisonous tumor of a friend. Posing for your benefit, this monster will infect your brain through well-placed bits of trust and then start putting ideas into your head under a guise of "friend". The clues to its behavior are little suggestive thoughts of the worst possibilities with a small grain of superiority over you.
The Scabrous Moocher
A truly ugly creature. Often accompanied by a copious drug habit (often meth or cocaine) and often accompanied by chronic laziness and horrible acting about how 'successful' they are - present themselves as sweet people. However, through little mean ways, they will con you into giving them money, rides, and often times just biting you for the hell of it. Not to be confused with the Two-Faced Bitch or the Self-Aggrandizer. These species are definitely on their own, but are in the same family as the aforementioned above. Oftentimes, they do carry STDs as a result of many "favors".

This little troll is an emotional asshole. She's a seething, angry, little thing that is passive aggressive in her silence and dogs people that she hates. If there is an argument, and even if the other has apologized for their part in it, she will sit there, squat and GLARE at them all day like a Pac-Man Frog. I suppose she believes that her big, bulbous eyes contain death-beams or something even after the attempt has been made by the other party to make things better. She prefers to stew in her own anger about YOU and her own shit (usually of intense insecurity and self-hatred). You almost want to ask her, "Y U MAD?"

The Inner Critic
Seriously, fuck this monster. This is probably one of the worst monsters out of all of the Personal Monsters. This is from the same set of species as The Depressus. This asshole of a monster will make you regret every minute of your day of you living and how you don't deserve love. This monster will make you live well below what you deserve, because it tells you constantly that you suck. This thing will bring up every single one of your mistakes and equates it to Chernobyl. It's a jerkoff of a monster and when you get the power to punch it in the face from its lies - do so. Repeatedly.
This monster just attacks you randomly when you think you're the strongest. Whenver anyone brings anything up to you your confidence without warning immediately crashes and your stomach feels like a tangled ball of shit. This monster makes you want to run far far away and never deal with anyone and never ever piss off anyone ever again. This monster sucks as it takes a very capable YOU and turns you into a sniveling wreck of a person that can't work shit out. It's much like the Inner Critic, but instead of negative self-thoughts, it's more of negative feelings of inability and helplessness and most importantly, utter and total fragility. One moment you feel like an iron maiden only to feel like a spun glass figurine.
The Meat Puppet
Once a fine, upstanding, young man - full of promise is now a victim and minion of the Spider Queen under her full and total control. He often takes her to high places of which they both perceive that it garners great prestige - but that is sadly in both of their heads as it is really of little to no consequence of what they do. He oftentimes has headphones or some sort of communications device so that she can reel him in and keep watch of him. Even though she has many other paramours, she is jealous of her Puppet if he strays anywhere without her whim.
Personal Monsters

Personal Monsters

These monsters have been inspired in my real-life dealings in both professional and personal spheres. I want to note that these monsters are not Read More
