These are photos that are each associated with a blog post on the Campus Renewal Ministries website. These serve as a header for each blog post. I was given the title of the blog and told to express that in a visual way. Here are the titles I was given and what I came up with.
Lions Paw
Unconditional Joy
Expressing Gratitude
The Wardrobe: Narnia and Real Life
Biblical Fasting
To Those who Have not Heard
A Romans Kind of Unity
Revolutionary Prayers
Why I Like This Pope
Scaling Mountains
Praying Through Hebrews
Frosted Flakes
Dreaming Big
Evangelism in a Diverse World
Seekers, Millenials, and the Sinking Ship
A Breath of Air
CRM Blog Photos

CRM Blog Photos

Photos for the Campus Renewal Ministries digital blog.
