Sexy Pikachu! Is drawing sexy Pokemon wrong?
Sexy Pikachu! Is drawing sexy Pokemon wrong?
Sexy BulbASSaur! Is drawing sexy Pokemon wrong?
Sexy sleeping Snorlax! Is drawing sexy Pokemon wrong?
Sexy Squirtle- One for the ladies! Is drawing sexy Pokemon wrong?
My version of a Pokemon- a nightmare for cartoonists.
My take on the Batgirl/Joker variant cover.
Fun with Marvel characters. MODOK mashed up with My Little Pony. For the March MODOK Madness blog.
Fun with Marvel characters. The alien race "Tribunal".
Fun with Marvel characters. Storm!
Fun with Marvel characters. The alien race "Tribbitites".
Fun with Marvel characters. The alien race "Tektons".
Fun with Marvel characters. The alien race "Wilameanis" from the Hulk comics.
Fun with Marvel characters. Spidey and Aunt May.
Fun with Marvel characters. Sexy female MODOK!
Fun with Marvel characters. MODOK and Captain America mashed up with Doctor Who and Davros!
A little TOO much fun with The Jetsons' poor robot Rosie.
A loving tribute for Leonard Nimoy, modelled after The New Yorker's Eustace Tilley.
For the crowdsourced animated tribute to animator Bill Plympton "Guard Dog Global Jam".
For the crowdsourced animated tribute to animator Bill Plympton "Guard Dog Global Jam".
Fun with Marvel characters. Captain America and The Winter Soldier.
Fun with Warner Brothers/DC Comics characters. Black Canary and Green Arrow mashed up with Tweety Bird and Sylvester!
My own character. Tough room!
Nickelodeon's Crimson Chin mashed up with Judge Dredd.
What to watch on a Sunday night- The Walking Dead or Downton Abbey?
Cartoon Fun!


Cartoon Fun!

Mash-ups, parodies, and just messing around with characters from Marvel, DC, Pokemon, Nickelodeon, and my own stuff.
