Artwork realized for a recital about woman stories and dignity.
Ceux-là, femme, devant ta majesté farouche
Méditaient, et malgré l’amer pli de ta bouche,
Malgré le maudisseur qui, s’acharnant sur toi,
Te jetait tous les cris indignés de la loi,
Malgré la voix fatale et haute qui t’accuse,
Voyaient resplendir l’ange à travers la méduse.
Those ones, woman, before your fierce majesty,
Reflected, and despite the bitter fold of your mouth,
Despite the cursing one who, hounding you,
Threw at you all the indignant cries of the law,
Despite the fatal, high voice that accused you,
Saw the angel shine through the medusa.
Viro Major - Victor Hugo
Femmes dans la rue

Femmes dans la rue

Artwork realized for a recital about woman stories and dignity. Visual inspire by true detective style and design.
