Peter Thielen's profile

Histology Valentine

Three months ago I was in a used book store and stumbled upon a 1960's atlas of Histopathology, photomicrographs of diseased tissue samples. Unlike other books that just end up on my shelf, I knew that I had to do something with those fascinating patterns.

I've never been big on holidays, especially ones that are crudely commercialized, but I do enjoy making things for my friends and family. The pink and purple colors of histology specimens immediately suggested Valentine's Day cards, and by the holiday I produced this odd amalgam of scientific reference and the book covers of Alvin Lustig (The Sheltering Sky especially).

I'll have a better photo of the finished cards when I have the opportunity.
Histology Valentine

Histology Valentine

A personal histopathology/histology valentine for friends, peers, mentors, and family.
