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Gallery Mini Application

The Gallery View
AngularJS's ng-repeat is to layout the thumbnails in two columns. The filter section on the left makes asyncronous requests to Flickr to get the gallery listings and the filter is dynamiallly generated on page load with the full list of galleries currently on the authenticated Flickr account. In the centre you can see the gallery description which is also coming through the Flickr API.

Because the data is saved locally moving between the galleries is instant, and because AJAX is used the page itself never refreshes, giving the user a smooth fluid app-like experience.
Gallery View 2
Thematic colour accents are used to differentiate sections of the application, here visible as subtle underlines, aquamarine for the gallery, and cherry red for the events section.
Mobile View for the Gallery Section.
​Clicking the menu item makes a request through AngularJS to the Flickr API and returns the relevant album, before displaying thumbnails for each image.
The Lightbox View.
Cursors can be used for navigation, and the Escape key closes the lightbox.
Gallery Mini Application

Gallery Mini Application

The gallery section for a larger website. An AngularJS application interfaces with the Flickr API to generate buttons to filter between the vario Read More
