Sierra Rasberry's profile

Ornithological House

Ornithology = The study of birds

To provide co-habitation and sanctuary for the client and birds native to the region.

House for an Ornithologist
Sophomore Year project for Sierra Rasberry's Architectural Design Studio at Louisiana Tech University

This project was designed to house a visiting professor of Ornithology for one year. The concept behind the design was to create a structure in which the professor could use his house as a way to conduct observations and research on the local bird wildlife, and to use the house as a tool to help teach outdoor classes.

 I created a "roost wall" that features many different types of bird boxes that feature a one way glass panel on the backside of each box. This allows for the professor to observe the  birds without disturbing them. There is a diagram below highlighting the various dimensions and placement  of the bird boxes. After much research on native avian life (to the site), I learned that not every bird will roost in just any dimension box size, height placement, or  near or around other types of birds. There were only three common birds that I found would realistically roost in a system like this: prothonotary warblers, blue jays, and great horned owls. I left an "experimental" designed bird house to further enhance the observatory nature of this building.

The front of the building features a "perch" in which the professor can lecture directly from his house to a small outdoor class. This would also aid his lectures since he would have close access to the roost wall.
Ornithological House

Ornithological House

This project was for my architectural studio during winter quarter 2009-2010 under the direction of Professor Damon Caldwell.
