Lost Minds's profile

Patternodes 2 (Mac)

Patternodes 2 is a macOS graphics illustration tool for creating vector patterns, complex illustrations or animations using a node-based parametric interface. Or 2D graphics design visual scripting as you might call it.

The finished design can be exported or copied as vector graphics or a bitmap image so that you can use it in any illustration, architecture, product- or package-design project.

The node based interface is very powerful and flexible, letting you make a very wide range of patterns. In all patterns you can tweak and change any aspect and see the result right away in the real-time updated preview.

Go to https://www.lostminds.com/patternodes2 to find out more, and download and try out the free trial.

If you use Patternodes, let me know what you think below.
You can now also tag projects here on Behance with Patternodes in the "Tools used"-section.
Patternodes 2 (Mac)

Patternodes 2 (Mac)

A macOS tool for creating vector graphics patterns and animations using a very flexible node-based parametric interface.
