Kant defined the concept of remembrance like "Fantasy and waking consciousness together".
Remembrance is like a chain in our lives. It is a difficult and complex process but if we simplify it, we can break it down to three parts. Coding (location in the memory), storing (preservation in the memory) and recall (recovery from the memory).
Maternal embrace, fatherly slap and other moments. Touches (whether positive or negative) that are coded in our memory for a lifetime. If we remember back to those moments, recall those feelings, it is almost like we can still feel the touch of that person.
I deal with these incomprehensible feelings. I want it to be seen. I recreated these touches with glow in the dark paint, pressed the body onto the surface of the graphic film, developed it, then digitalized it creating an abstract interface.


Recall- "Body as a form of expression"
