Another in a series inspired by old etchings and Occult mythology.

An Effigy is a sculptural, three dimensional representation of a person. Likenesses of religious figures are not referred to as effigies, but in olden pagan days they often represented verdant "Gods", sacrificed, ensuring, for a time at least that  vegetation would have plenty of sun. 

Burning an effigy of a person ("burn in effigy") as an act of protest, and is fairly commonplace.
 "Figures, often caricature in style, that are damaged, destroyed or paraded in order to harm the person represented by magical means, or merely to mock or insult them or their memory, are also called effigies."

MEDIUM: Digital Pen and Ink. A dash of Vector work.
Some Text added, designed to be difficult to read. Like moving smoke and fire at night.
The text below is a lil over the top. And isnt really meant to be read. More of a chaotic texture, conveying energy.  No real practical aplication as far as legibility is concerned, but still a fun experiment.
Text/copy used:

Creedence Clearwater Revival – Effigy Lyrics

Last night
I saw a fire burning on
The palace lawn.
O'er the land
The humble subjects watched in mixed


Who is burnin'?
Who is burnin'?
Who is burnin'?
Who is burnin'?

Last night
I saw the fire spreadin' to

The palace door.
Silent majority
Weren't keepin' quiet


Last night
I saw the fire spreadin' to
The country side.
In the mornin'
Few were left to watch
The ashes die.


The Burning Effigy

The Burning Effigy

An illustration in a series inspired by old etchings and Occult mythology. An Effigy is a sculptural, three dimensional representation of a pers Read More
