"Thames Estuary"
"Storm on the sea of Azov in April 1886"
The National Art Museum invites public to experience the performance "Painting. Movement. Dance." This unique event features 7 paintings over 7 days, with 7 performances as part of the acclaimed exhibition “Aivazovsky and the Marine Painters,” which has been revived due to popular demand.

Our project transforms visual art into a dynamic sensory experience. I had the honor of interpreting the "Thames Estuary" through movement. Another piece directed by me, "Storm," was met with enthusiasm.

The museum decided to repeat this event due to its profound impact on the audience, who found themselves unusually inspired and more open to contemporary art through this innovative blend of painting, movement, and dance.
Anna Korzik (Анна Корзик)
Eugeniy Ermalovich (Евгений Ермолович)
Aliaksandra Serafimovich (Александра Серафимович)
with Aivazovsky


with Aivazovsky
