ISTD (International Society of Typographic Designers)
The Electric Spark That Changed Guitar Forever
Introducing my outcome for ISTD, the brief I chose “The Line” lead me to creating something which shows my love and forever connection to music. My concept to the brief “The Lines Which Make The Music”. The ability of a guitar is unique, but the power of an electric guitar is a very different level of energy. This vinyl album I designed includes a publication which tells the story of electric guitar, using strong lyrics from songs to connect with each chapter and overall add great emphasis and rhythm to the story. The records purpose to play these songs in the same order, bringing the power of sound and a expressionism of the lyrics to perform a storytelling in a very different way.
My main body copy is based of an article by Joobin Bekhrad “The Electric Spark That Changed the Guitar Forever”. Followed by deep research into how systems in graphic design work. Making decisions such as, choosing a grid system, how to control text, how content is presented and most importantly, analysing how powerful art directions can achieve the full potential of a brief.
Vibrations: ISTD


Vibrations: ISTD
