INCOMMON          WEBSITE         2024

incommon is a non-profit organization that advocates for the adoption of a circular economy as a way of life with respect for nature and people. Through participatory and creative projects, it demonstrates how we can utilize available resources (both natural and non-natural) in our daily lives, fostering harmony among individuals and with the environment.

As part of our rebranding for incommon, we were asked to reimagine the organization’s digital presence and ensure its seamless alignment with its new brand identity across every aspect: typography, colour palette, photography, iconography, and illustration.
Content-wise, the new website would have to communicate effectively not only incommon’s identity and purpose but also each of the team’s unique projects. To that end, we focused on carefully designing and optimizing the website’s information structure and flow.

Aesthetically, we wanted to create a website with a vibrant and optimistic tone. So, we combined the new vivid brand colours with a typeface that looks both friendly and serious, balancing the team’s approachable character and high professionalism. Finally, we enhanced the website’s look and feel with subtle animations to keep the tone playful and the user engaged throughout the browsing experience.

The website is custom-designed and developed to ensure seamless and optimal performance across all devices and browsers.

Visit the website:
Incommon - Website


Incommon - Website
