nixie, a painter's profile

Mysteries of the North (Jan - May 2024)

"Mysteries of the North" is an ongoing digital illustration project that I’ve commenced at the start of this year, initially planned as approximately two years worth of regular monthly art updates.

I’m drawing the inspiration for this body of work from the Norse & Germanic pagan cosmology, its mythological deities in their humane, personified form, and various associated lore, and in this update I'm sharing a summary of what I have finished so far between January and May of 2024.

In terms of visual approach and presentation, it is fairly consistent with my previous mythology-based fantasy art pieces, with a singular core myth defining this project.

I am going for a mixture of tight impressionist oil painting rendered digitally, reserved color palette, commonly associated with Scandinavian landscapes, climate and painting tradition, and my primary emphasis here is on creating atmospheric seasonal compositions,
both inspired by nature and celebrating it.

As with my other pieces, all work posted is 100 % hand-painted from scratch and human-made.

✨   🌬 💨 🍂   ✨

...Onto the artwork...

Fog of Helheim.

Othala (inverted variant.)
Veneration of Eostre.
I'm also posting some personal written observations on the meaning behind those pieces on my blog.

✨   🌥 ⛈ 🌧 🌩 ❄️ 🌨 🌥   ✨

The series has started out as an experiment at creating a body of consistent, conceptually related work and a personal challenge to immerse myself in working on a big cohesive idea over extended amount of time, and it has since grown into a very introspective and reflective kind of visual adventure. It's exciting and very thought provoking from my own point of view, and I'm excited both for the process and the result of the work I'm creating here.

I update new pieces on completion on my wordpress, which you can subscribe to from my profile, and I share bi-annual compilations here.

🌱 🌿 🍃
I'm not sure this warrants a separate notice, but as a visitor, you are not allowed to use any of my visual art production regardless of media, style, date, platform of publication and their loopholes in the end user agreement, your delusional understanding of "fair use" cause of copyright law, or whatever else you might refer to, for any generative AI related purposes, no exceptions.
Mysteries of the North (Jan - May 2024)


Mysteries of the North (Jan - May 2024)
