Home in Outer space Composite Image
In this project I worked composites but I also worked on the shadows and highlights. I wanted to make the space scene out the window appear to be really bright and vibrant so I made sure to make darker shadows that contrast more with the light shining in. I remember I saw a movie when I was younger which sort of had this same concept of a house being in outer space and the lighting would be similar at times. There was an elemental layer added on top as well, which helped give it the bright feel. The only thing with adding an overlay, coloring, and an affect is that sometimes if its over done it can look cheesy, which I new when I did it because I liked it but looking at it now, the strong coloring takes away from the astronaut and the space scene and it doesn't look too realistically unreal. I did make sure to focus on where the light would hit and what kind of shadow it would create, this definitely made me more considerate of shading. And I also just realized that the overlay is not placed properly over the image, I hadn't noticed that so I need to be more diligent in looking over my work. 
Home In Outerspace

Home In Outerspace

A living room setting but through the window there is an astronaut in outer space and the earth in view.
