Sharknado Minimalist Poster
Here is a minimalist poster I made for the movie Sharknado in my Visual Communication class. I designed it using Adobe Illustrator, making vector shark shapes repeated around the poster. It is based on the principles of Gestalt Psychology (a study of the ways in which the human mind interacts visually with the world). The main principles I used were similarity (separation/grouping objects with similar characteristics) with the red-orange sharks separating from the orange-yellow sharks to give it a 3-dimensional effect, continuity (guiding the brain the follow a certain path) with the orientation of the sharks spiraling the viewer's eye in the shape of a tornado, and simultaneous figure-ground (designed so that the eye cannot tell what is the object or background) with shark silhouettes in both the positive & negative space.
Sharknado Poster

Sharknado Poster
