TingYen Shu's profile李 姿婷's profile


Stepping into Shinjuku for the first time felt like entering a different dimension. 
Everywhere I looked, there were stylish crowds, bustling with the aroma of delicious food and the vibrancy of various entertainment venues. Shinjuku exudes a different charm during the day, 
and at night, it transforms into an intoxicating spectacle. Since my friend attends school near Shinjuku, we often meet up at the station. During the day, we savor bubble tea and wander among the shops; at night, we enjoy delicacies and watch movie together.

Every time I step into Shinjuku, it's like immersing myself in a world full of novelty and excitement. Finally, amidst the bustling crowd, I meet my friend. I'll never forget the sense of comfort 
and excitement every time she calls out to me.
In this short film, we intentionally designed the characters to resemble dialogue boxes. At the beginning of the animation, it starts with a conversation with friends through text, then the dialogue boxes transform directly into characters and begin wandering around Shinjuku. We wanted to convey the idea that simply arranging to meet through text is enough to make people eager and enter the fantastical world of Shinjuku.
 “Kabukicho creator’s gallery project”:

This project aims to collaborate with the diverse culture of the Shinjuku and Kabukicho areas, fostering collaboration to transform Kabukicho into an entertainment city. Through this initiative, supporting creators who thrive and excel on the global stage.
Many creators have submitted their video works for consideration.
The winning pieces will be showcased on the outdoor billboard "KABUKICHO TOWER VISION" located on the 1st floor of the Tokyu Kabukicho Tower.

Liz           |          Yen