Samantha Mash's profile

Rest and Regrowth

this is a concept i am trying to take to heart as i drew this. this is something i’ve reworked a lot before i finally decided i wanted to take the concept to final. i have been wanting to slowly push my work in a way that feels more true to me and i think this is getting there! Again playing with concept of pattern, anatomy/the figure, mixing human subjects in with nature and animals more. the concept with this one was translating the nature of spring into a scene, and for me spring feels like a season of rest through regrowth and vice versa

i pretty consistently overwork myself, i’m sure a lot of you can relate. as a freelance artist it feels like I have to constantly work not because i love working, but because money is hard to come by and doesn’t go as far as it used to. last month i had to reach out to a few people i was working with to put a hold on some projects because i just was getting to an unattainable point. i also had to absolutely cut back on social media and phone use in general. It is amazing how just those few things felt like a weight off my chest

it isn’t “rest” in the traditional sense. i’m not sure I get to rest like that, but just being able to not jump on everything as fast as i normally would has allowed more ease as i do try to work. trust me, i’m still usually pulling 9-12 hour workdays, but just being able to focus on the work i have and that work alone has been very refreshing

prints of this are available here
Rest and Regrowth

Rest and Regrowth
