Constantine Wannabe's profile

Advertising creative concept by C.Wannabe©

Author of the project C.Wannabe ©
The Pepsi will not come to people, but people will come to Pepsi.                      The place where people from all over the world want to come to buy Pepsi products, take pictures/video for their socials, make a wish & participate in the worldwide promotional.

Increase sales by attracting a new target audience,  maintaining the trust of the existing one, and seize the initiative in the carbonated drinks market worldwide through the big promotional backed by a strong story and digital involved.

Tourists, automobilists, travellers, young talents, dreamers, and all whose motivation or coaching is required.

The only retro Pepsi gas station in the world, on the outskirts of the city. This is a thematic large Pepsi complex in the '70s style with a gas station, store, bistro, parking, and garage of 2 own Pepsi cars.
Possible location: The US (California / Florida state), France (Paris), Southern Europe (The Mediterranean coast), or another tourist place.  

Gas station: Rent or retail partnership with an operating gas station.  
The gas station by fuel supply and store with the promotional must be operating 24h. The logo directly on the gas pumps may not be present, the main thing is to preserve the color palette and retro style of Pepsi.

An example of the gas station:
Store: PepsiCo products, coffee, tea, fast food, souvenirs and promotional Pepsi glass bottles from Pepsi retro refrigerator.

Bistro: The bistro in the light interior & with retro music on the background.

Parking: Parking for abt. 50 cars with the possibility of expansion in the future. 

Garage: 2 own Pepsi-style show cars from the '60-'70s (one blue, one red).

Dream Sticker: The adhesive sticker where the participant writes his dream/goal and puts it on the Pepsi Wall to participate in the promotional. The sticker can be obtained when purchasing the promotional Pepsi bottle from the retro refrigerator at the Pepsi station store. 

Pepsi Wall: The wall in the store on which participants stick their Dream Sticker with their wish/goal. The Organizers take 3 random stickers from the wall and announce promotional winners on the Pepsi social channels live.

An example of the "Dream Sticker" and main terms:
1. Go to the "Pepsi Station", buy 1 glass bottle of Pepsi from a large retro refrigerator and receive the "Dream Sticker" (1 bottle = 1 sticker per hands).

2. Registry on the Pepsi official site, in return you will receive the personal Pepsi#.

3. Write your wish or your goal and personal Pepsi # on the "Dream Sticker".

Subject of the questions (for example):
Who do you want to be ?
Where do you want to realize yourself ?
What kind of goal do you want to achieve ? 

4. Put your "Dream Sticker" on the "Pepsi Wall" and participate in the largest international promotion in the world.

5. Watch the live on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram every year as Pepsi selects 3 winners. Pepsi can choose exactly your "Dream Sticker" from the "Pepsi Wall" and make your dream come true. "Make a wish - Pepsi hears you!"

The winner gets the instrumental from Pepsi required to reach a dream or goal, such as coaching, education, mentorship, media production, PR support, engagement and/or partnership with stakeholders in relevant spheres/areas/companies.

The amount of expenses to help or execute the dream or goal of the winner in promotional depends on the type and difficulty of the dream/goal.
Bring your attention to the scenario of the 1st commercial, the final of which is associated with the launch of the Pepsi promotion and will be the beginning of the new Pepsi story, and the base for the 2nd and subsequent commercials in the future. The 2nd and subsequent commercials will be based on real stories of participants who won the previous promotion, and how their wishes came true with the Pepsi support. Commercials and their short versions shall be broadcast on television, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, X

Scenario of the commercial:

* This excerpt of the song "Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven" accompanies the commercial.
Little ragamuffin at the outskirts gas station refuels incoming cars and wipes their headlights to get change from drivers (cars and gas station sounds).
*The boss of the gas station often chases Little Ragamuffin for spending the night at the little cabin of the gas station.
While working, Little Ragamuffin often counts his change and looks through the gas station windows as drivers take a cool glass Pepsi bottle from the long refrigerator against the wall and go to the checkout. But especially Little Ragamuffin likes to watch passengers, some of them dance imagining themselves on the big stage with a pop star, someone see themselves as a videographer, and some kids passengers play with different toys and dream of being them: a veterinarian, a football player, a ballerina, a boxer, a pilot jet...
One day, Little Ragamuffin accumulates the necessary amount, enters the gas station store, takes a glass bottle of Pepsi from the long refrigerator, pays at the checkout, immediately opens it and takes the first sip. He remembered all passengers and who they imagined themselves to be, how he spent the night in the cabin, how he dreamed and how wrote on the gas station's window - "Dream On" by his finger. He looks at the receipt that he received for a bottle of Pepsi, takes a marker, and writing on it - "I wish to be..." - at the same time, footage of passengers flashes through his head. He finishes writing and confidently walks to the exit, and before closing the door, he slaps the window with his palm, leaving a wet receipt with the inscription - wish: "I wish to be boss here!" The door has closed.
The above-mentioned concept creates a new own look for Pepsi, and new associations, like dreams, goals, motivation, adventure, road, trips, and gas stations. This is a new image and this imagery will be associated with Pepsi forever.
Disclaimer: The media content (logo and music) used in this creative project are the property of their respective companies. I do not own any rights to these media (logo, music). Any creative interpretation of the logo, and the music is solely an artistic expression and does not imply any infringement of copyright or trademarks of the companies whose media (logo, music) have been used. The purpose of using the media in this project is purely educational and exploratory and does not imply any transfer of rights to these media (logo, music).
Advertising creative concept by C.Wannabe©


Advertising creative concept by C.Wannabe©
