[Turing] is a creative project that I started in 2023. The reason why it is called Project is because I want to explore the possibility of creating some big themes in a free way through a relatively loose form like "Project", which is different from the regular sense of previous series of works.

This is how I understand and describe the project:
   We use, we depend, we put our time, body, and spirit into things.
   We find, we lose, we live overhead by tools, artifacts, and products.
   Seventy years ago, Alan Turing set a problem for machines, trying to distinguish them from humans, to see whether they had artificial minds under the infinite code and algorithms.
   Today, as users, in the long process of living and symbiosis with these man-made objects, we evolve, merge, become faceless -
   No one can tell one from the other, even under rigorous testing.
Near-future science fiction with a certain retro color is my permanent expression theme, in the above group of creations, I selected a set of established nouns and images, they are knights, bishops, pawns, rooks in chess. They were transformed and disguised into something new and strange in the grey, rusty, plasticised, barren world I imagined.

I expanded the meaning of the images themselves by constructing a worldview, adding different keywords to them: the knight of curiosity, the bishop who wants to subvert summer, the pawn who is confronted with a parallel world, and the rook besieged by his own smoke. In the grafting of absurdity and reality, the intertextuality of concrete and abstract, the narrative lines of past and future are broken.
《the distant》
《the quartet》
《The island of Beelzebub》
《my daily》
《Abandoned port》
《Spear and shield》
After focusing on the fantasy of modeling, the perspective and point of creation of this group are more diffuse, but the expression core is undoubtedly closer to the theme of "Turing". I repeatedly weigh different relationships, reality and illusion, objects and users, everyday and extraordinary... Trying to draw entirely new conclusions about the future.
《Vehicle 01: The Omniscience 》
《Vehicle 02: Red Cavalry and the Beast of Truth》
In addition, leaving aside the haze and gray, I also tried some richness in color and composition to create this set of Vehicles.

The above is a summary of the stages of my illustration image creation, the creation of Turing will continue, but perhaps try more different forms, media and scale. I want to portray as best I can a very different world, and this world originated from a good thought.
In that world, their slogans and obituaries coalesced into red waves, and a new order was born.


