Marina Malinowski's profile

Narysunki logistyczne ๐Ÿ—บ Logistical sketches

Przez piฤ™ฤ‡ lat pracowaล‚am w logistyce, a w tym czasie mรณj umysล‚ zgromadziล‚ pewne teksty spedycji, ktรณre splatajฤ… siฤ™ z najwiฤ™kszymi dzieล‚ami sztuki.

For five years, I worked in logistics, and during that time, my mind accumulated certain texts of shipping that intertwine with the greatest works of art.
"Stworzenie Adama" | Michaล‚ Anioล‚ | Renesans | okoล‚o 1511
"The Creation of Adam"ย | Michelangelo | Renaissance | circa 1511
"Martwa natura z butelkฤ… i winem" | Claude Monet | Impresjonizm | 1863
"Still Life with Bottle and Wine" | Claude Monet | Impressionismย | 1863
โ€žKrzesล‚o Vincenta z fajkฤ…โ€ | Vincent van Gogh | Postimpresjonizm | 1888
"Vincent's Chair with His Pipe" | Vincent van Gogh | Post-Impressionism | 1888

"Benzyna" | Edward Hopper | Realizm | 1940
"Gas" | Edward Hopper | Realism | 1940
"Matka Whistlera" | James McNeill Whistler | Impresjonizm | 1871
"Portrait of Artist's Mother" | James McNeill Whistler | Impressionism | 1871
โ€žChleb z masล‚emโ€ | Wayne Thiebaud | Pop-art | 1962
"Bread and Butter" | Wayne Thiebaud | Pop Art | 1962
โ€žGracze w karty (wersja 5)โ€ | Paul Cรฉzanne | Postimpresjonizm | okoล‚o 1894-1895
"Card Players (5th version)" | Paul Cรฉzanne | Post-Impressionism | circa 1894-1895
Narysunki logistyczne ๐Ÿ—บ Logistical sketches


Narysunki logistyczne ๐Ÿ—บ Logistical sketches
