Logo and corporate styling
CODELAB 42 is a Belgian company. All members all Drupal experts. You can hire these talented for complex programming assignments. A few of the CODELAB 42 programmers are former employees of my company 3SIGN.

It was nice to meet again, and I was very happy making a logo for them.

The falling whale is an inside joke. Programmers understand this.
Business cards
The original design proposal for the business cards.

Mock-up for the business cards. The business cards are printed but I don't have a sample (yet).
The design process
For this logo I made some sketches on paper but the final logo is almost entirely made on the computer (using my tablet).
I have drawn a fair amount of whales before I was happy with the result.
After the whale was almost finished and the client agreed with the concept I made some more small changes. I optimised the appearance for very small versions, altered the font and chose to place the whale in a circle.


Logo and branding for Codelab 42


Creative Fields