Yasmin Demir's profileNanna Sofie Larsen's profile

Sonic College x DMJX - Workshop

Sonic College x DMJX
As a collaborative project between Interactive Design students and Sound Design students we were tasked with creating a 30-45 second animation based on reflections from two mystery smells. We were blindfolded and smelled two different things, afterwards we reflected on them together and brainstormed a story, or a feeling, that we wanted to tell about the smells. How do smells look and sound? This was our task to figure out the next two days and this was our result.
Visuals by Nanna Larsen and Yasmin Demir
Sound by Rasmus Rubink
Description of Smells

Smell 1: Evoked memories of dust, old storage rooms, or basements. Grey, round, heavy, old, hidden, dark were words we associated with the smell. 

Smell 2: Reminded us of uncomfortable rubber or hand sanitizer. Sharp, cold, white, green, white, triangular, 

*Turned out to be an empty can of motor Oil (1) and bottle of glass cleaner for cars (2)*
Animating the smells

We assigned the Smell 1 to the moon, representing its old, heavy, and slow-moving nature—a fitting reflection of a dead planet. 
Colors: Grey & Beige

For the Smell 2, we drew inspiration from stars, embodying their pointy, sharp, and fast-moving characteristics, creating a captivating contrast.
Color: Yellow & Red
Sound design

The moon emits low, deep tones, resonating with its heavy movements, lots of grain, dusty ambience while the stars produce sharp, high-pitched sounds, reflecting their energetic nature. With that we crafted a cohesive sensory experience.
Sonic College x DMJX - Workshop

Sonic College x DMJX - Workshop
