Faith Galois's profile

Bob Ross's Permaculture Principles

Bob Ross's Permaculture Principles
For this project I was tasked with coming up with a concept that could be applied to icons depicting permaculture principles. The goal was to create a striking poster displaying the permaculture icons while also having the icons be able to stand alone. My mind immediately went to painting, and who better to talk about painting than Bob Ross. My target audience for this poster was middle school to college age kids who know Bob Ross and are interested in mindful thinking and caring for the environment.
Icon Design
The icons tell a story of how an artist uses permaculture principles to complete a body of work. Starting at Observe and Interact the artist is interacting with the environment and observing their surrounds to pick a composition from the real world. Then moving all the way around the palette until you finally reach Obtain a Yield, which is the finished painting. Finally, in the middle we have Earth Care, Fair Share, and People Care which all represent how the finished product could benefit others.
Bob Ross's Permaculture Principles

Bob Ross's Permaculture Principles
