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C2Sense: IIoT Digital Gas Sensor Platform

One-third of food intended for human consumption is lost or wasted, equating to about one trillion dollars annually. Besides the economic toll, this indicates a significant squandering of vital resources like water, land, and energy involved in the production, processing, and transportation of food.

Services: Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering

In collaboration with Loft, C2Sense has crafted an extensive Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) monitoring solution tailored for overseeing large produce warehouses. This system manages ammonia levels in agricultural settings—specifically grow-out houses—by employing carbon nanotubes and olfactory sensors. The integration of cutting-edge MIT sensor technology ensures exceptional precision and reliability in ammonia detection. The user-friendly web interface offers real-time data, empowering users to make timely decisions.

The C2Sense IIoT digital gas sensor platform transforms remote sensor inputs into actionable real-time data. The sensors can measure food freshness markers to help people ship, sell, and consume food before it spoils. The sensors can also help protect industrial workers from toxic gases. C2Sense’s revolutionary chemically resistive sensing technology is digitizing chemical information on a platform that is radically simple, inexpensive to implement, and adaptable to nearly all gas-sensing applications.

C2Sense: IIoT Digital Gas Sensor Platform

Project Made For

C2Sense: IIoT Digital Gas Sensor Platform
