Last year I was asked to paint Bibles for one of my teachers. She wanted both of her daughter's Bibles to be decorated. 
She asked for the first to be green and floral like with the verse Romans 15:13 referenced at some point on the Bible. This is the first stage of the process where I gave her the the idea for approval.
The next stage was me actually putting paint on the Bible and designing it without text. 
Next I added Text with transfer paper to be sure that I got the font correct. This is the final cover. 
Finally halfway through the piece I had the idea to illustrate the page that her verse was on to make it slightly more special. 
The next Bible was asked to be pink with the verse Philippians 2:14-16 on it. 
This is the original design that I sent her to be approved before I put it on the Bible 
This was after I had painted the Bible and before I put text on it
This was after I put the text on the Bible using transfer paper. This is the final Product. 
This is the page that her Verse was on and how I designed that. 
Bible Project


Bible Project
